Plastico Dise

How Dise Streamlined Issues Management with Poka

Boost Asset Performance Issues Management

Issues Management in Poka is straightforward. To file a report, an operator simply chooses the issue type, priority level and location, adds a description, and perhaps snaps some photos and video for further context. The right department or team is immediately notified by email or push notification. The problem can also be shared to the factory newsfeed to encourage wider support and group problem-solving.

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Now with Poka, all operators regardless of their position or seniority can upload an incident—we get faster time to resolution.

Dise 1

Manuel Fernandez

Systems Analyst

Plastico Dise Daily Management Stats

8,570 Calls for Help

2,050 Issues

Monthly CI maintenance meeting, instead of weekly

Single intern to assist with CMMS data entry, instead of three

However, with the implementation of Poka, there have been significant improvements in how continuous improvement ideas are managed. The introduction of the digital Kanban board and priority rankings has improved company-wide communication so much that they have been able to reduce the frequency of interdepartmental in-person meetings with production, quality, and maintenance.

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The use of Kanban as a work methodology reduced resolution time for us. That's why we want to add more areas.

Dise 1

Manuel Fernandez

System Analyst

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