
How Upfield Commissioned a New Paperless Site

Become a Paperless Factory Digital Work Instructions & Troubleshoots Forms & Checklists Issues Management

Our journey with Poka during the new site commissioning has been nothing short of transformational. It's been a journey marked by innovation, efficiency, and the fostering of a culture of continuous improvement.

Upfield logo gris

Arif Khan

Continuous Improvement Specialist

Upfield's Commissioning KPIs


Work instructions in one year


Saved by creating WI in-house


Day reduction in issue resolution time


Hours saved per year in form verifications

The results were as astounding. Fostering a sense of purpose, shared learning and substantial cost saving.

Upfield logo gris

Arif Khan

Continuous Improvement Specialist

D2 2 New Site Commissioning at Upfield final
D2 2 New Site Commissioning at Upfield final 1

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