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Software Implementation Strategies to Accelerate Adoption For Maximum Impact

Digital Transformation
Traditional software implementation approaches aren't working, resulting in cost overruns and delays. Here's how to choose the right strategies to achieve on-time, on-budget rollouts with rapid KPIs.
What’s Inside

How Much is the Right Rollout Strategy Actually Worth?

Done well, businesses that are able to follow the path of digital transformation top performers will be able to unlock $1 trillion in value, McKinsey estimates. However, when done poorly, inefficiencies in software implementation and adoption cost the average company 14% more in planned migration spending every year.

Having implemented projects at leading global manufacturers with thousands of onsite users, here are some of our best strategy-building recommendations:

  • Take an outcome-based approach. We outline how to design a results-based rollout plan, together with your software vendor.
  • Set your scope. Should your pilot test a broad set of features or a wide user base?
  • Choose between a single site vs. a multi-site rollout. We investigate why single-site rollouts contribute to pilot purgatory.
  • Bonus: Essential tips for multi-site onboarding
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